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ArtCamp SexyTime FootBall

MAY 2011  - The Interart Theatre Development Series,  New York, NY

Gratuitous nudity, faux intellectualism, and a parade. This original creation, born out of the collective brilliance and humor of the ensemble, builds on over ten years of theatre-making by Blessed Unrest.

ArtCamp SexyTime FootBall: WORKSHOP II

A note from the director:


We had a first workshop of ArtCamp SexyTime FootBall, beginning with only the title as source material. This might make you think we’re making a show about s’mores, smut and cheerleaders. While there is always room for those things in my plays, a very strong aesthetic and multiple story lines have been developing in a really exciting way, coming largely from the experience and collective unconscious of the cast. It is still too early to answer the "what is this really about?" question, but we are having fun creating our smutty, sweaty show and also delving into something more layered and less known.

~ Jessica Burr



Directed and choreographed by Jessica Burr

Featuring: Catherine Gowl, Jason Griffin, Nick Micozzi, Sophie Nimmannit, Damen Scranton, Laura Wickens

With writers Teddy Jefferson and Matt Opatrny

Production CREDITS

Conceived and Directed by

Jessica Burr


With text by

Teddy Jefferson, Matt Opatrny, Damen Scranton, and the ensemble


Stage Managed and Sound Edited by

Jaimie Van Dyke


​Costume and Set Design by

Rachel Gilmore


Sound Design by

Damen Scranton


Created by and Featuring

Catherine Gowl, Jason Griffin, Nick Micozzi, Vaishnavi Sharma, Ian Wen, Laura Wickens

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